Accessible Restaurants Still Hard to Find

Every foodie knows that the best meals are found outside the chain restaurants that are strewn throughout California. Unfortunately, many of these places are not compliant, leaving wheelchair-using patrons to either suffer with mediocre food options, or to struggle through a non-compliant restaurant to get a nice meal.

One of our clients, even after notifying the restaurant of the problems he faced months before, was forced to bring a lawsuit to bring a Clear Lake area business into compliance. Seabock Price was able to reach an agreement to correct the awful parking and inaccessible restroom ensuring that our client and future wheelchair-using patrons can dine safely.

Every business must consider accessibility. Whether it’s bathrooms, parking or the dining experience itself, the law requires equal access. If you have encountered difficulty with a non-compliant restaurant please reach out to Seabock Price for a free consultation: or 323-616-0490..

Dennis Price